Contract Vehicles
McLane Advanced Technologies (MAT) holds several Prime Contract Vehicles that meet U.S. Federal and Texas state government requirements for past performance. Please contact us if you would like discuss the best contract vehicle to provide streamlined access to our services. Below is a representative list of contract vehicles that can be used to engage McLane Advanced Technologies.
Contracts & Schedules

MAT is a prime contractor holding multiple schedules on the General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS). We provide agencies with access to a full range of management and specialized consulting and training services, facilitation, surveys, competitive sourcing, as well as full project management. We possess the necessary expertise to provide support in all of these areas and help Federal agencies respond to a continuous stream of new mandates and information. Through GSA MAS, we improve performance and accomplishes client mission goals. GSA MAS is the largest and most widely used acquisition vehicle in the Federal Government. The vehicle is a Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) multiple award contract administered by the Federal Supply Service of the General Services Administration. All Federal, State and Local Governments can access our Schedule Catalog through GSA MAS and our price list on GSA Advantage!

GSA’s Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS) Special Item Number (SIN) enable us to provide agencies quick, reliable access to key cybersecurity services before, during, and after cyber threats occur. The General Services Administration (GSA) established the HACS SIN on its Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) to provide agencies quicker access to pre-vetted cybersecurity support services that will expand agencies’ capacity to test their high-priority IT systems, rapidly address potential vulnerabilities, and stop adversaries before they impact our networks.

MAT is a prime contractor holding the is a prime contractor holding the General Services Administration (GSA) Professional Services Schedule (PSS) contract. The contract provides a full range of lifecycle engineering services that can improve the performance, quality, timeliness, and efficiency of services and products provided by the federal government. Federal agencies, offices, programs, and projects use PSS vendors to assist throughout a program/product lifespan in the Federal conceptualization, design, development, and verification of products and services including:

MAT is a prime contractor holding the Information Technology Enterprise Solutions – 3 Services (ITES-3S) contract. ITES-3S is a performance-based Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract that supports the Army enterprise and infrastructure goals with IT services worldwide. Overall scope encompasses the Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Information Management (C4IM) requirements with the services and solutions necessary for the Army to transition from current service-centric IT environments to the enterprise Joint Information Environment (JIE) as directed by the Department of Defense (DoD) Chief Information Officer (CIO). (more…)

The Seaport-NxG contract is an Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract with a total value of $5 billion and a five-year base period with one five-year options. Utilizing SeaPort-NxG, we can provide qualified personnel, materials, facilities, equipment, test instrumentation, data collection and analysis, hardware and software, and other services to support the Department of the Navy (DON) in the execution of its overall organizational functions and the specific missions of the individual activities and ordering offices. This includes services that potentially span the entire spectrum of mission areas and technical capabilities supported by the DON ordering activities. SeaPort-NxG awards fall into two broad categories: Engineering Services and Program Management Services, across twenty-three functional area subcategories.

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) supports the system design and development for the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Information Technology Modernization Initiative by expanding and improving PHMSA systems and subsystems. This BPA accommodates the numerous types and quantities of IT services necessary to meet PHMSA mission requirements. The PHMSA Information Technology Modernization Initiative is comprised of multiple platforms and software suites which require contracting staff to comprise expertise in all aspects of the software development methodology as well as familiarity with the current architecture and the strategic direction of PHMSA.

The Small Business Pools 1 and 3 of the General Services Administration (GSA) One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) contract provides a single solution for complex requirements, support multiple technical disciplines and mission spaces, allows all contract types (including hybrids and cost-reimbursement at the task order level), and has no program ceiling, a five-year base and one five-year option.

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) ENCORE III contract is an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract against which it is planned to award Firm Fixed Price (FFP) and Cost Reimbursement (CR) type task or delivery orders. The ENCORE II contract provides technical solutions for the Department of Defense (DoD) in support of its migration to an integrated and interoperable Global Information Grid (GIG), as well as other federal agencies having similar Information Technology migration and integration needs. The Encore III contracts represent an ongoing expansion of the Defense Information System Agency’s (DISA) Defense Enterprise Information Services (DEIS) I and DEIS II contracts, and Encore follow-on contracts.

The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) J6 Enterprise Technology Services (JETS) contract vehicle provides a full range of IT services, technical and management expertise that support applications, software, hardware, infrastructure, and systems, across the DLA IT Enterprise. Support are provided for IT solutions, technical support, maintenance and sustainment; operations support; application development, maintenance and technical support; and lifecycle management. Additionally, the contract provides administrative program management support for IT program offices and DLA Information Operations (J6) Office. We have access to 21 DLA JETS Task Areas:

The Veterans Administration’s (VA) Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology (T4) Program provides a total solution, encompassing, but not limited to, required hardware, software, and IT products, in conjunction with all services needed to integrate a system, network, or other IT service in order to meet a client’s mission requirements. Services, as well as related IT products, may encompass the entire lifecycle of a system, including program management and strategy planning, systems/software engineering, enterprise network, cyber security, operation and maintenance, and IT facilities. Moreover, services and related products covered under this contract shall be global in reach and the Contractors must be prepared to provide services and deliverables worldwide.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Chief Information Officers – Solutions and Partners 3 (CIO-SP3) is a 10-year, $20B multiple-award indefinite delivery/ indefinite quantity (IDIQ) Government-wide acquisition contract (GWAC). CIO-SP3 is managed by the National Institutes of Health Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC) and can be used by any federal civilian or DoD agency to fulfill a broad range of mission critical IT requirements. NITAAC awarded multiple IDIQ contracts to provide IT services to meet scientific, health, biomedical, administrative, operational, managerial, and information management requirements. Additionally, the CIO-SP3 task areas are designed to support the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) by supporting all IT services described in the FEA.

The General Services Administration (GSA) Alliant 2 contract, Alliant 2 is a Best-in-Class Government-wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) that is a preferred a Government-wide solution, offers Artificial Intelligence (AI), Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and other types of emerging technologies. The vehicle provides best-value IT solutions to federal agencies, while strengthening chances in federal contracting for small businesses through subcontracting. All U.S. Federal Civilian and Defense agencies can use Alliant 2 directly for streamlined, flexible acquisitions and access to leading–edge services.

The Army’s Responsive Strategic Sourcing for Services (RS3) is a $37.4 billion, 10-year IDIQ contract. The vehicle is a consolidation of two previous contract vehicles: Strategic Services Sourcing (S3), and Rapid Response 3rd Generation (R2-3G), covering services to support Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Systems, also known as C4ISR.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), ONE Office of Information Technology (OIT) multiple award Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) is a 10-year multiple award contract that provides the SEC with integrated IT solutions for their evolving needs. The agency uses One IT to facilitate a streamlined process to procure the comprehensive suite of IT services and solutions to support IT systems and software development in a variety of environments and infrastructures. Service channels include:

The General Services Administration (GSA) 8(a) STARS II is a small business set-aside Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC). STARS II provides flexible access to customized IT solutions from a large, diverse pool of 8(a) industry partners. The contract enables Federal agencies to fulfill their IT services and IT services-based solutions requirements while simultaneously meeting and exceeding socioeconomic goals through the utilization of 8(a) certified small businesses. The STARS II contract is composed of Four Functional Areas:

The General Service Administration’s (GSA) Veterans Technology Services 2 (VETS 2) Government-wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) is a multiple award Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) vehicle that provides agencies with access to customized IT solutions from a pool of highly qualified Service-disabled, Veteran-owned Small Business
(SDVOSB) industry partners.

The Human Capital and Training Solutions (HCaTS) Program is the result of a partnership between the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the General Services Administration (GSA). The contract is comprised of three Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Government-wide contract vehicles: HCaTS Unrestricted (HCaTS U), HCaTS Small Business (HCaTS SB), and HCaTS 8(a). These vehicles provide reliable, flexible, fast and efficient ways to obtain best value, customized solutions for human capital management and training requirements.

The Air Force Network-Centric Solutions-2 (NETCENTS-2) contract vehicle provides network operations, infrastructure, and service-oriented architecture implementation and transformation services and solutions to the U.S. Air Force and DoD agencies at locations inside the contiguous United States, outside the contiguous United States, and in war zone areas. The services and solutions provided will address the development, acquisition, integration, test, deployment, and sustainment of Air Force infrastructure and mission capabilities in network operations; production; research and development; command, control, communications, and computers; and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. We are a key source for leading-edge technologies for our NETCENTS-2 NetOps clients, providing a broad range of core competencies, experience, and skill sets.

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Solutions for Information Technology Enterprise (SITE III) has awarded a 10-year, $12.6 billion contract that consolidates its IT acquisition activity into a single vehicle. SITE III covers IT requirements and technical support services to DIA and other Defense Department intelligence agencies. This contract helps other intelligence community members with external ordering of IT services. The DIA CIO’s primary objective with SITE III is to support warfighters, policymakers, and acquisition leaders across the Defense I ntelligence Enterprise (DIE) by ach ieving an Information and Communications Technology advantage. SITE III provides strategic, techn ical, and program management guidance and support services to facilitate the operations and modernization of the agency’s infrastructure, systems, and applications.